A communications agency must think strategically, execute effectively and deliver measurable results.

We are driven by curiosity and enthusiasm when it comes to how communication can engage, develop and shift attitudes. The real difference starts when we hit the spot between the company’s DNA, a focus on the target audience’s interests and find the link to the bigger agendas in general.


The foundation of all good communication is the ability to set goals and expectations – and to continue to develop them together: Where are we going, Why are we going there and Where are we right now? Having established the playing field, strategy and execution are developed in the sweet spot between "You" - the company, "Them" - the audience and the agendas of "The larger Society. The trick is to keep challenging the destination, even though the journey has already begun.


An outside view is essential to providing quality advice. We need to ask the critical questions, identify the obstacles, challenge the goals and continue to have big ambitions when it comes to how far we can go.

  • Where are you coming from?
  • What are your abilities?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What have you done so far to achieve the goal?

People are with you or against you for many different reasons. If communication is to engage and lead to action, you need to understand and take your cue from the people you want to reach.

  • Who are they?
  • What do they think of you/the company?
  • Where do THEY want to go - and can YOU help them get there?
The Larger Society

The things you could afford to say and do yesterday may not be appropriate today; morality, ethics and the zeitgeist are in constant flux. What you may think is interesting and important will just fall flat if the outside world disagrees.

  • The direct impact: Is there already an attitude towards you out there?
  • The indirect impact: Do you have tailwinds or headwinds?
  • Which challenges are we facing?


Alle rejser starter med et ønske om at bevæge sig fra et sted til et andet. Kunsten er at blive ved med at udfordre destinationen, også selvom rejsen er startet. For alt ændres, altid! Udgangspunktet for al god kommunikation, er at få sat og fortsat udvikle mål og forventninger sammen.

  • Hvor skal vi hen?
  • Hvorfor skal vi derhen?
  • Hvor er vi lige nu?


Vi ser altid på vores kunder med kærlige men kritiske øjne. Det værste man kan gøre som bureau, er at begynde at tænke som kunden. Blikket udefra er afgørende for god rådgivning. Vi skal stille de kritiske spørgsmål, afdække forhindringerne, udfordre målene og blive ved med at have tårnhøje ambitioner for, hvor langt vi kan nå.

  • Hvor kommer I fra?
  • Hvad kan I?
  • Hvem er Jeres målgruppe?
  • Hvad har I gjort indtil nu for at nå målet?


Vi tror ikke på målgruppen som et fast defineret segment med en bestemt farve.  Folk er med dig eller mod dig af mange forskellige årsager. Hvis kommunikation skal engagere og føre til handling, så er man nødt til at forstå og tage udgangspunkt i, hvordan man engagerer de mennesker man gerne vil nå.

  • Hvem er de egentlig?
  • Hvad synes de om dig/virksomheden?
  • Hvor vil DE gerne hen - og kan DU hjælpe dem med det?


Så er der alt det andet uden om. Der hvor de store agendaer sættes, hvor moralen, etikken og tidsånden skifter ustandseligt. Hvad du kunne tillade dig at sige og gøre i går, kan du ikke nødvendigvis i dag. Og det, du selv synes er mægtigt interessant og vigtigt falder til jorden, hvis ikke omverden er enig.

  • Den direkte påvirkning: Er der allerede en holdning til dig derude?
  • Den indirekte påvirkning: Er der medvind eller modvind derude i forhold til jeres mål?
  • Hvad kan konkurrenterne - kan I komme først?
  • Hvor ligger skærene i farvandet - er der noget som vi skal navigere uden om?
A. Spørgsmålet
B. Virksomheden
D. Omverden
C. Målgruppen


At eye levelWe meet our clients eye to eye. Respecting collaboration. We tell it like it is and don’t sugarcoat anything. We believe that honest advice (even when it hurts) is the best policy to ensure a long-term collaboration

Tactics and strategyWe take as much pride in updating your Facebook page twice a week as we do in creating a huge strategic timetable for the next three years. In both cases, we are true to our values and challenge both the destination and the mode of transport.

AmbitionWe continue to see and challenge the potential in our clients. Whether we only see each other twice a year for a small project or work together as an integrated communications team on daily basis, we can’t help constantly striving to think how things can be better and bolder. 

Plug in your customers

Together with Voxmeter – Denmark’s strongest market research agency – we can deliver a communication strategy that actually moves your business. And we can continuously measure the results by how many customers we move – quite literally. If you would like to plug in, we will begin specifically with a situation report to illustrate how you can attract more customers, win the ripe ones and/or keep your existing ones.

New customers
Rather than taking a scattershot approach, we concentrate on those who are within reach as potential customers.

Win over
The ripe customers
Target your communication and create a laser focus on where you can win ripe customers. That will allow you to get the most out of your marketingbudget. 

Hold on to
Your existing customers
Once we know the reasons behind loyalty and dissatisfaction, we can work purposefully to increase customer loyalty and reduce the churn rate.


We don’t view communication in terms of traditional disciplinary silos. PR, marketing, branding, digital – call it what you will. We are not experts in everything, but we have a keen eye and a strong network of partners. 

Whether it is a Nordic communications agency, video, digital solutions, adverts or analyses, we put together the best team. This allows us to work across competencies and national borders. And since we are not bound by exclusive partnerships, we are independent in choosing the team that makes the best sense for our clients.

Read more in our cases here